Antiques, Rugs

Different types of rugs explained

All rugs have their own stories to tell. Why don’t you find out for yourself? Who knows you might definitely find some great piece of work just perfect for your house.

Green RugsGrey Rugsshaggy rugs

Out of all the rugs available in the market, search for the one which will suit your home the best. Know what types of rugs are the most suitable for your home and can make your home from looking ugly or bad with the mismatched carpets.


Antiques, Rugs

How can placing a carpet bring benefits to your house?

Carpets have been a part of our home decor since many generations. Today, they are available in a wide range of colours, textures, and prices. Having a carpet is one of the best considerations for applications to the floors or any kinds. Also, when it comes to maintaining of these carpets, they are one of the easiest to maintain.

Multi colour rugsorange rugsyellow rugs

With great advances over the past years, the carpets have become all the more durable and everlasting. Everybody is loving the new multi colour rugs and its styles that are available in the market.

