
Four Astounding Accessories to Choose while Decorating a Kid’s Room

Children are vivacious, they are blessed with extra ordinary energy and they make everyone in the household grow tiresome. While building a house, designing a child’s room is a herculean task. The colour of the paint, the design of the roof, the wardrobe, study tables etc. are some of the most important facets of designing the room. Below is a random list of some of the important accessories without which a child room will surely look incomplete:

kid’s & children’s area rugs

Book shelves

Children love books. From school books, to comics to story books they have a huge collection of books with them. Hence, it is mandatory to include a book shelf in their room’s design. You can design your own book shelf or buy a readymade one as per your budget and convenience.



How to Identify a Genuine Handmade Rug?

Rugs are an important part of any house and there are a number of traditional rug shops which people often visit to get a genuine handmade piece. Persian rugs, handmade oriental or Italian rugs are the names of those elegant and traditional ones that look beautiful and classic when laid on the floor. But how many of you are sure that the product you are buying is truly genuine and handmade? Well, if you are planning to get a new handmade rug for your abode, here is the list of tips to identify a genuine handmade rug:

traditional rug

Locate a genuine shop
When the shop is original, there is no doubt that the products are original. Ask for the shop’s original trading license and then check the samples. It is also advised to take the help of local residents to locate the original trader when you are looking for a proper buy. You can also visit their official website to check out the accreditations of the store.



3 Useful Tips on Rug Care

A beautiful home with aesthetically made interiors looks incomplete without a nice rug matching the flooring and complimenting the wall. You might have visited plenty of shops, checked many websites to get the exact rug that you wished for your home. In your party mood or during your child’s play or even due to your mushy pet shredding all over, your favourite rug might have got soiled and it needs a mandatory cleaning. Cleaning it may sound easy but it requires plenty of care and attention. Here are three special tips to take care of the rug and make it shimmer always:

terracotta rugs

Prevention from dirt

The first and foremost step in its care is to protect it from getting dirty. It is advisable to use a good quality underlay so that it prevents your favourite terracotta rugsfrom getting soiled or getting torn. Also do not expose it to excessive sunlight. If you have orange rugs or mango coloured ones and you are drying them in sun light, make sure to periodically turn them upside down so that they do not fade in the sunlight.



How to Choose a Rug to Match Your Floor Design?

Rugs are a must for a home as they provide the warmth and soothing effect when one steps on to them. While designing one’s dream home, there will be plenty of decisions between the man and women related to curtains, furniture and show pieces. But hardly many sit and select an appropriate rug for their indoors.

Traditional chocolate brown rugs match all kinds of flooring from wood to tiles and they add a clear touch of royalty to one’s home. But with changing times, people’s choice of rugs is also evolving. So, how to choose the right rug based on the floor design? Here are some tips that will ease one’s choice and make them happier.

